Jonelle Strickland is an educator with more than two decades of experience helping students to find their voices. She is also a storyweaver who writes verse, satire, fiction, and essay. Her novella, 29 BBQs, was selected as a finalist for the Summer Writing Contest, sponsored by 1888/Heritage Future, JukePop, and Black Hill Press. Jonelle has been a recipient of the Yefe Nof Writing Residency in Lake Arrowhead, California, as well as a contributor at the Breadloaf Writer's Conference, Aspen Words, and the Frost Place Conference on Poetry. She earned her MA in English and her MFA in Creative Writing at Chapman University after designing her own major, "Women in Antiquity" as an undergraduate at Occidental College. She lives with her family and flock in Orange, CA, and teaches locally at Fullerton College and Santiago Canyon College.
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Go, Hornets! | Go, Hawks!