Check out how by reading this latest essay by yours truly for my alma mater, Chapman University: "Mole, Margaritas, and Making Connections."
Jeff Garvin is also an actor, author, and social advocate. His debut novel from HarperCollins, The Symptoms of Being Human, delves into a topic that a lot of people are too shy to talk about. I am a better person for reading this book. Thanks, Jeff!
How to talk to young adults about school shootings...Marisa Reichardt has written a new novel.7/16/2016 Growing up nowadays can be difficult, especially given the reality of gun violence in our schools. I haven't read a novel since Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed that deals with this important topic so poignantly. Marisa Reichardt's Y.A. novel from Macmillan Underwater is a realistic answer to an uncomfortable question. What happens to the survivors of a school shooting tragedy? You can reach Marisa on Twitter @youngadultish or on her website: www.youngadultish.com.
Man, that 1888 does it again--today they hosted another rock star panel (no, there was literally a rock star this time!) at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Orange, called "Publishing, Launching Your Career," completing the three installments of the Summer Writing Project Workshops.
About to publish an amazing book? Need a local, experienced publicist? Meet Holly Watson. With over two decades of experience working at Viking Penguin Books and W.W. Norton & Co., Holly is L.A. based, whip smart, and deeply connected. And you will fall out of your chair when you see who she's worked with in the past. Go ahead. I dare you. Click on the link.
---the land of saris, samosas, and stories. Check out Jenny's Feldon's memoir, Karma Gone Bad, before you do. Having stayed in Hyderabad myself, I can personally attest to the work's playful accuracy. A fun, non-nonsense read!
I'm now reading an apocalyptic series by Jonathan Yanez. Check this guy out! He's actually figured out to earn a living as a writer, FULL TIME!
1888's Summer Writing Project Presents the first of three installments to help new and emerging writers to find their voice, build their brands, and collect their bearings in the literary marketplace. If you didn't get a chance to catch the panel live at the Orange Public Library, then you might want to check out the podcast.
Jonelle StricklandFor all of us who believe there is not one way. One genre. One spirit. One answer. Or even one question. This blog is for the writer before she was so, as well as for the reader who defies her expectations every time: it is for the poets, satirists, fiction writers, essayists, diarists, and ancient word wanderers; this blog is for the infinitely unwritten. To each, a celebration. A celebration to all. Archives
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